Participant Profile

Zhazgul Madazimova

Public Art

Zhazgul Madazimova worked in post-war emergency relief with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Doctors Without Borders and, more recently, has been involved in projects helping labor migrants from Central Asia in Moscow. For the last four years, the focus of her work has been the exploration of the relationship between art and society through the ArtEast group and collaborative projects with other artists in Bishkek.

Zhazgul’s work focuses on gender, migration and contemporary social issues in Central Asia.  She has been involved in art and activist alliances to create a public dialogue through the tools and language of art. Madazimova studied contemporary art practices at the ArtEast School and the Central Asia Cultural Managers’ Academy organized by the Goethe Institute Tashkent-Berlin and International and Comparative Politics at the American University of Central Asia.