Participant Profile

Virginie Dupray

Portugal / Democratic Republic of Congo

Dupray is the Executive Director of Studios Kabako, founded by the Congolese choreographer Faustin Linyekula and based in Kisangani DRC, which is a platform to research and create dance and visual theatre. It fosters the debuts of young Congolese artists working in dance, theatre, music and film. Since 2013, Studios Kabako have worked in the Lubunga district in Kisangani, developing programmes with communities, with a focus on young adults and children, around issues including drinking water, urban sustainability and environmental issues.

Virginie also directed amoja, a unique Pan-African 3-year residency and coproduction program for performing artists, in partnership with Association 1er Temps in Dakar, Senegal and CulturArte in Maputo, Mozambique as well as Dessine-moi une forêt!, a programme focused on issues of  deforestation. She has recently created with Faustin Linyekula Letters from the Continent, a feature film signed by 21 performance artists from the continent and shot in May-June 2020 during lock-down.

Previously, Virginie worked at the French Institute in London as Head of Communication and Public Relations and at the Centre National de la Danse in Paris as head of Marketing and Communication. She graduated from the French business school HEC in 1994. She is a regular contributor to arts magazines and catalogues.
