Participant Profile

Shahpour Pouyan

United States / UK / Iran

Shahpour Pouyan is an artist whose practice offers a fresh perspective on the intersection of history, politics, and culture with a unique blend of aesthetic and thematic concerns. Shahpour’s multidisciplinary approach to art invites viewers to reflect on the complex relationships between power, memory, and the human condition. His work has been exhibited and collected internationally, received critical acclaim for his insightful and thought-provoking pieces, and has been featured at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, LACMA, and Hayward Gallery, among other venues.

Shahpour was trained in mathematics, physics, and Neoplatonist philosophy at the Iranian Institute of Philosophy. He received a Master of Fine Arts in Painting at Tehran and a Master of Fine Art in New Forms and Integrated Practices from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. He lives between Tehran, London and New York.
