Natalia Tikhonova is a multidisciplinary artist, curator and media-researcher. She acquired her first education in theoretical physics, and after that in the field of art in Roerich Art College and School for young artists at Pro Arte Foundation.
Her work has been exhibited in Russia and abroad, including the Ural Industrial Biennale and Moscow International Biennale for Young Art. Natalia is an active participant in the Russian art scene and has organized many curatorial projects at the intersection of arts, technology and community-based art, including, Radio Hopes and Dreams: Moscow Edition! for Garage Museum, ArtGar(b)age Coop. and Spravochnik, which she conducted with the support of Northern branches of NCCA.
In 2019 Natalia received her MA in curatorial studies from Smolny/Bard College and successfully defended her thesis based on her research on online-platforms as a hybrid form of art. Natalia also works with media about art and activism. She is a contributor and co-organizer of and “procartistination” tg channel, and a resident of the 2020/2021 Studio program of Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.