Participant Profile

Daria Prydybailo

Ukraine / Germany

Daria Prydybailo is an art historian, cultural manager, and curator from Kyiv. She has worked at leading cultural institutions in Ukraine and Germany such as the National Art and Culture Museum Complex Mystetskyi Arsenal and the National Museum for Contemporary Art Hamburger Bahnhof. Among her curated exhibitions are “Squeezed in Infinity,” “Seeing Without Light” (co-curated with Sam Bardaouil), and “War/She.” Besides, she has run non-institutional projects such as Transitory White magazine on art and activism in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia and the international feminist platform womanorial. She worked on large-scale international exhibitions such as the International Forum Art Kyiv and the First Kyiv Biennale of Contemporary Art ARSENALE 2012.

She is the founder of the cultural NGO Art Matters Ukraine, working on the development of cross-cultural dialogue, supporting independent artistic voices, and strengthening post-colonial discourse in the contemporary art world.

As a singer and songwriter, she has a music project called Kyiv Siren. Daria contributes a monthly column on Ukrainian art to the regional newspaper “Ridnyj Kraj,” Ukraine.
